TAIP Online Workshop

Presented By:
Elizabeth Gillies
Presenter Link:
Text Link
Tuesday, September 27, 2022
6 - 7:30 pm
This free workshop is limited to TAIP Member Schools, Organizations, and Individual Members.

Attachment - basis of relationships and learning

Attachment theory is a major developmental paradigm for understanding social and emotional development. It is important for teachers to visit or revisit how attachment styles influence how children act and learn.

The session will cover:

  • Overview of attachment theory and why it is important
  • Attachment - relationships and learning
  • Case studies and reflection
  • Building a secure base for everyone -parents, teachers and children

About the Presenter

Elizabeth Gillies is an Educational Psychologist from the UK and now based in London. She has worked in schools as a psychologist at the individual, group and systems level for over 30 years. She has been fortunate to live, work and raise her family in America, Japan and Australia so, unsurprisingly is interested in transitions and the implications for families and schools. Tokyo was home for 10 years, so she has a good understanding and knowledge of life in this great city.

Currently she works in schools and with families mainly in a counselling therapeutic role and as a trainer for school communities and other organisations. She is a founder member of London multi-professional group, Special Networks (www.specialnetworks.co.uk)and is UK Co-chair of a global Third Culture Kids organisation, Families in Global Transition (FIGT).

Recent Workshops

Alice Sharp presenting "Provocations for Learning" at the TAIP 2019 Fall Annual Conference at Shinagawa International School.

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